Higher Standards

Every degree and every certificate which we offer must be earned.

Dissertation and Thesis Requirements

  1. A Dissertation is a 35,000 word submission (app. 150 pages)
  2. Thesis is generally 40-80 pages, not including the bibliography.
  3. All work must be type written in 12 point, double spaced.
  4. All pages numbered and follow all guidelines for writing papers in APA, Chicago, or Turabian style.
  5. A table of contents should be listed at the beginning of the submission.
  6. A list of bibliographies should be at the end of the submission.
  7. It must be bound in an acceptable cover.
  8. The submission should be on an approved subject, presented by the student, and accepted by the professor that is working with you on the paper.
  9. Your work must be judged worthy of publication by the Thesis-Dissertation Committee.
  10. All dissertations must be submitted in duplicate and will become the property of CBIS and are not returned to the student.

Use one of the following style manuals:

  • The Chicago Manual of Style, Author: University of Chicago, Library of Congress location: Z 253, U58c, 1993
  • A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Author: Kate L. Turabian, Library of Congress location: LB 2369, T929m, 1987

All students must mail a copy of their thesis or dissertation to:

Christian Bible Institute & Seminary
9212 Fry Rd Ste 105 #410
Cypress, Texas 77433

to the attention of the Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation Committee, a detailed proposal of your thesis/dissertation.

The proposal shall include the style manual you intend to use (from below). You will be notified as to the status of your request. No thesis/dissertation will be accepted without prior approval of the Committee.

You may want to refer to the book listed below or do an online google search for books on how to write a research paper.
