Greek Life

Alpha Nu Omega, Incorporated

Alpha Nu Omega, Incorporated

About Alpha Nu Omega, Incorporated ®

Alpha Nu Omega, Incorporated

Alpha Nu Omega, Incorporated is a Christian Fraternity and Sorority founded on November 3, 1988 at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD.

The Purpose Of Alpha Nu Omega, Inc.
The purpose of Alpha Nu Omega, Inc. is to present a Christian alternative to the students and/or faculty on college/university campuses, to minister to the needs of the whole person (spirit, soul, and body), and to promote an attitude of academic excellence among its members.

“…A Christian Fraternity & Sorority?”
To some, the concept may seem contradictory, but we like to believe it’s a perfect match. Alpha Nu Omega, Inc. takes the best aspects of Greek life and uses them to encourage college students and alumni to develop as Christians and life-long leaders who influence their communities. At a time when many young people enter college and face important questions about their faith and direction, Alpha Nu Omega is there – offering support, resources, and community.

One Organization. Two Entities.
Alpha Nu Omega’s family structure sets us apart from other fraternities/sororities. The fraternity and sorority share one name, one constitution, one national board, and the same colors (navy blue, gold and white). We are a family, and we often work together as one. Yet, Alpha Nu Omega is one organization with two distinct entities – a fraternity and a sorority. The fraternity and sorority hold separate orientation processes and manage different outreach initiatives.

Our Core Values
Leadership | Integrity | Family | Education

Visit the national website.

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